Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Weekend Continued

Sorry about the two posts but It wouldnt let me add any more photos to the last one. Here the adventure continues...

After the park we headed inside on Christmas Eve. If you love the movie Christmas Vacation then you might recognize the glass moose cup Lawson is drinking out of in the next few pictures.


Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Weekend

This year since Jonah had to work the day after Christmas we made a quick trip to Richmond Virginia. Since we knew the car would be packed with gifts on the way home we let Lawson open his here before we left. Enjoy the pictures. The weekend started Thursday and included park visits, the annual Christmas Eve party at Aunt Bonni's and lots of fun!

Thursday morning opening gifts at home

Chair from Uncle Grant and Aunt Sunshine

Stoney wanted to help

Hey whats this?

Jonah picked out this toy and well lets just say he now wishes he hadn't b/c Lawson loves to bang on it.. He played it for about 30 minutes in the car on the way to Richmond.. LOL

Off  To Richmond. We were very excited that there was a park directly across the street from Jonahs moms house. Lawson loves the swings and we couldn't wait to take him.

Playing is tiring

Then we made a stop at Aunt Bonnies house to see her tree and for Lawson to meet her. She hosts a Christmas Eve party annually .. Eventhough she is Jewish!! LOL

Amazed with the tree

Then we went back to the Smith house for some fun

Another fun filled day at the park

Thursday, December 15, 2011

AlL i WaNt FoR cHrIsTmAs Is My TwO FrOnT tEeTh

Lawson saw santa for the 3rd time last weekend at the Pleasant Valley Fire Department Christmas Party. He was a bit tired because he missed his nap for the second day in a row, but I asked Lawson what he wanted for christmas and he said his two front teeth!

He already has the two bottom teeth but his top two front teeth are breaking through and causing him some pain. So please Santa let these top two front teeth come through so he can feel a little bit better as his Canine teeth start coming through :)

He also said he wouldnt mind a hair cut since hes sporting the mullet in the back. There is an old saying that if you get your childs hair cut before they are one year old it will bring bad luck. Soooooo we are trying to wait.. I have trimmed the front about 4 times now.. poor kid!!