Thursday, May 31, 2012


Thought that title might catch your attention and you are probably thinking... Hmmmm Bugs?? Birds??? Flowers??

I keep finding them all over the house in random spots, in the bathroom, in the closet, in the pantry, in the kitchen cabinets, in the car, you name it they are there!! Even in the pool bag! What am I finding??


YES that's Right BOOKS!! We seem to have a little book worm on our hands!! 
He is in LOVE with books! I think I have read over a 100 books today, some of the same ones over and over and then new ones, ones I had no clue we even had! This little guy will follow me around and hold out a book and want me to read it to him! He will even back his little booty into my lap to sit down while I read to him! Don't get me wrong I am excited he loves books but Mommy is a bit tired of finding books everywhere and having to read books over and over and over like a broken record!! 

Here are a few shots I snapped of the bookworm today!

(Sorry this one is grainy.. it was taken from far away and i cropped it a lot :-( )

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Whats blooming at the Smith's ?

Summer has arrived and with it so have blooms a plenty at our house! 
I snapped a few pictures this evening after a light rain storm of our blooming beauties.

A Fresh Cut Gardenia adds a heavenly scent to the house

Gerber daisy- This came back from last year after cutting it down to the root. I thought it was a weed coming up and Jonah said hmm I dont think so!! Jonah was right!

Pansies are still doing well despite the really hot weather. Ill let them stay till they start to wilt

We have two pretty Irises that keep blooming. I had no clue if it cut of the dead blooms it would produce more! These are tall and very stunning

This is what Jonah calls the Lilly on STEROIDS. I am not sure if anyone remembers last year but the blooms on this lilly were bigger than Jonahs entire hand and it was close to 4 feet tall. This year because it has grown to the side it sits only about 4.5 feet tall but Still INSANELY HUGE!! We really will have to move this after its done blooming it looks like a corn stalk in the front yard!! HA!

When you step onto the back patio you are absorbed by the sweet smell of Gardenias! I love this smell!!


More Lillies

More Roses

Not Quite sure what this is but they are pretty around the tree in the front and they too come back yearly

Monday, May 21, 2012

A fun trip to Del Mar Gardens

This past weekend we were in Atlanta staying with our dear friends The Pagans while Jonah attend a firefighter conference. While we were there we stopped in to see My grandmother and Lawson's great grandmother Bernice! The visit at Del Mar Gardens is never dull or boring even with a toddler there is always something to play with and the residents always love seeing Lawson.

Here are some pictures from our visit. Sorry I missed on me having to help hold up a 6 foot 4 Inch man who weighted probably 200lbs because he lost consciousness when I ran out to get the camera... like I said never a dull moment. We did get the resident into a wheel chair and some medical attention. :-)

now how do i turn this thing
hey this thing is cool I can push it and ride on it

brushing grandmas hair

Kisses for grandma bernice

snacks are always better on Bernices couch

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

15 Months!!

WOW! Time sure does fly when you're having fun!
Lawson had his 15 month "wellness" visit today!
Yes even though we had made 3 trips to the doctor last week he needed his shots and his stats checked .
Here's how the little guy stacked up:

Height:: 31 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 23lbs 8 oz (50th percentile)
Head 19 1/4 inches (didn't give us the percentile)

Dr. Morris said Lawson was doing GREAT! His ears are clear, his nose has healed up and she was shocked, "He didn't even get a shiner with his fractured nose".  Those frozen peas must have helped alot!

As for development.. Dr. Morris was highly impressed with Lawson's vocabulary and his reasoning skills. 
If you ask Lawson do you need your diaper changed he will respond with YEP and head to the stairs to get his diaper changed. He also knows when you grab his shoes its time to go outside. If you tell him its nap time he goes to the bottom of the stairs to wait for you to move the gate so he can go up to his room! Same thing for Bath time! Hes such a smart little kid!  Maybe too smart for his mommy's good!

If the little guy wants something really badly he knows to suck up to me by running up to me and giving me cuddles on my leg about 3 times then he heads to what he wants... the pantry, the back door, the toys, the books.. You name it!

Lawson is also signing Sippy, More, and All done! 

His new words for this week are "CHEEEEEESE" and " Mop". 

Check out these pictures of the little guys physique. He surely is rocking the chunky legs and pot belly!! How could you rest poking this pot belly  belly button and squishing these little chubby legs?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Surprise there are MORE!!

I hope everyone had a very happy mothers day. 
Our gifts to the grandmothers for Mothers day were framed family photos... SOOOO when I posted our photo shoot I couldn't post all the GREAT family pictures!!

Here are the rest :-)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sick Little Guy!

Our Poor Little guy has been sick since Sunday! 

Sunday night he didn't sleep well and Monday he woke up cranky and fussy. I figured it was just teething and left it at that for several hours. I often think Lawson is running a fever just to take it and it be normal so even though I thought he was burning up I just said well I'm probably not right again and let it go! 

After 3 hours of his constant screaming and crying I was like well lets just check... I checked and it was 103!! I immediately called the doctor and got an appointment. I had to be at the doctors office with in 20 minutes.. Umm sometimes it can take 22-25 minutes to get there because of traffic, but we made it in 15!

Lawson normally deals with the doctor well but even the receptionist said, 
"poor Lawson what is wrong you, you are not yourself!" Upon weighting Lawson and entering the exam room he started his whaling. I'm not talking about crying folks, I'm talking about screaming and whaling at the top of his lungs!!! The doctor came in and immediately knew something was wrong. After examining him he says just as I suspected he has puss in his ears.. double ear infection!  I felt so bad! Lawson hadn't ran a fever that high in a long time and I thought it was all teething at first.. Bad Mommy!!

So we left with some antibiotics, ones he had taken before and done well with. Jonah was working Monday during the day but was off that night. Well we both were up and only got about 2.5-3 hours of sleep! Lawson's fever would not break we kept him on Tylenol then friends recommended alternating between Motrin and Tylenol so we did that! In my mind I kept thinking should we take him to the ER?? You just never know since they cant tell you what is wrong! Finally around 4 am the fever broke and subsided down to around 100!  Lawson was still not a happy camper, but at least he was cooling down!

Around 9 am and after 2 hours of screaming again I finally took Lawson outside and he settled down but instead of being rocked he wanted down to play! I figured well if it will keep him from crying Ill let him play what harm can it do RIGHT!! 


Infants often get vertigo with a double ear infection making their balance off. For a toddler who already has unsteady feet this was not a good thing. 

Lawson was walking around with his little bucket collecting acorns then all of the sudden as he headed towards the cement patio lost his footing and smack right on his face he landed. I of course grabbed him and tried to comfort him noticing his nose was scrapped and starting to swell I attempted putting ice and frozen peas on it! At first I thought its just a little scrape no big deal but then the bruising started and he still was fussing about 2 hours later. 
Jonah was in training at work but I kept texting him "What do I do? Do I call the doctor? Take him back in? They are going to think I'm a crazy mom!" but I followed my instincts and took him in! 

Thank goodness because he fractured his nose! It was not misaligned but still the bone was cracked! Ill leave out all the wonderful details of how the xray experience was and the doctors visit because you probably know it consisted of lots of crying !

Eventually we left the doctor with new antibiotics for his ears since he didn't seem to be reacting to his other ones well! 

To make a long story short more crying and sleepless nights were ahead of us! Oh and may I mention glares from strangers and comments from strangers questioning my motherly skills. 

We ran out of diapers because of Lawson's bad reaction to his first meds so we had to run to target! I tried to look presentable but after 2 nights of maybe 3 hours of sleep total I was far from caring what I looked like!  At target I had 3 women ask me what had happened to his nose and said you need to watch him more! Then came the check out lady who wanted a play by play on what happened when he hurt his nose! I should have taken Jonahs advice and said, " he was crying so I punched him in the face" to see what type of reaction I received!

Today is Thursday and my child is finally starting to feel somewhat better! For those of you who have known what is going on thank you for all the support prayers and well wishes, it has helped us get through this crazy time! Ill leave you with photos from this past week!

It was easier for him to sleep upright so I spent countless hours in the rocker with him asleep!

Breaking the rules actually watching TV because it was only way I could get him to settle down

Poor little guys nose the day he fractured it
his nose healing

little guy feeling somewhat better in his toy box
Miss P was there every minute helping me take care of Lawson and as you can see she is exhausted too!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Springfield Farms Strawberry Patch

If you haven't noticed I always have a problem finding only a few photos I love so I end up sharing a ton! I am sorry in this post you will find sooooo many wonderful photos it may be over whelming!

Last Saturday it was forecast-ed to be in the 80s and Jonah and I always wanted to go to strawberry picking. I am not sure if its just a NC and SC thing but all we hear about is strawberry picking and Facebook is filled with picture of people with their children picking strawberries then making jam so it seemed appealing to us! We packed up the car and headed out! I had no idea what to think and when Jonah said, "hey I hope we don't see a snake under here", I thought about running the other way but Lawson was having Way too much fun!  Fun picking strawberries, playing in the dirt and eating..... .well.... you'll just have to see

You have to start off with a full belly for a day at the strawberry fields :-)
Lawson heading out to the field.. first remark "WOAH"
Look what I found!

Wait i put it in there?? WHY

Yes Lawson put it in here

BUT I want to smash the strawberries in my hands its fun!!

Look OVER there MOM!

Hmm let me see if I can crawl over this thing

HMM this isn't working well


Who would have know the kid would want to see the PORTA POTTIES!! Thank goodness his daddy has a small bladder and had to pee


This picture for some reason reminds me of my good friend Beth's son Chase!!

All Done now how do we get out of here

I said Jonah can you hold Lawson in that hole and look forward so I can take a picture.. Jonah was like umm Ill try!!

That was our fun filled Strawberry picking day! 
I didn't get to make a strawberry cake or Jam we ate the $10.00 worth of berries in 2 days they were unbelievable 
BUT... since Jonah and Lawson had so much fun I think they are headed there this Saturday while I am at a Moms morning out spa event!! 
Maybe a strawberry cake this weekend :-)