Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Whats blooming at the Smith's ?

Summer has arrived and with it so have blooms a plenty at our house! 
I snapped a few pictures this evening after a light rain storm of our blooming beauties.

A Fresh Cut Gardenia adds a heavenly scent to the house

Gerber daisy- This came back from last year after cutting it down to the root. I thought it was a weed coming up and Jonah said hmm I dont think so!! Jonah was right!

Pansies are still doing well despite the really hot weather. Ill let them stay till they start to wilt

We have two pretty Irises that keep blooming. I had no clue if it cut of the dead blooms it would produce more! These are tall and very stunning

This is what Jonah calls the Lilly on STEROIDS. I am not sure if anyone remembers last year but the blooms on this lilly were bigger than Jonahs entire hand and it was close to 4 feet tall. This year because it has grown to the side it sits only about 4.5 feet tall but Still INSANELY HUGE!! We really will have to move this after its done blooming it looks like a corn stalk in the front yard!! HA!

When you step onto the back patio you are absorbed by the sweet smell of Gardenias! I love this smell!!


More Lillies

More Roses

Not Quite sure what this is but they are pretty around the tree in the front and they too come back yearly

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