As parents we all want our kids to develop new skills and match the age developmental steps. I feel like some moms think milestones are a competition. I have been asked, " how did you get Lawson to sit up so soon, How did you get him to be so Strong, did you teach him to screech like that, my child doesn't vocalize enough".
I of course think Lawson will meet his milestones when he meets them and don't worry about it much.
Lawson was behind on his tummy time activities because of his acid reflux, but has caught up quickly. Its amazing how fast they overcome adapt and learn. He has been rolling around for over a month now, but recently put a new spin on it.
Often in the family room I will lay him down for tummy time to watch him attempt to roll under the couch.. One day he made it.. He barely fits but he did it!!
Two nights ago my rolly polly figured out he could roll from back to his belly in his crib.. OH JOY!!
The first time I woke up that night I will say I was quite proud of him! I smiled and flipped him over and told him good night. I thought this was a good thing.. little did I know I would be getting up five more times throughout the night to flip him back over.. of course Jonah was at work.
I still don't know why he feels he cant flip himself back over to his back like he can on the floor. I have talked to other mothers who have had this problem and well they say let them cry it out and show him to roll back over. That is easy to say and harder to do at night when you need and want sleep. Last night Jonah was home. I had told him about our adventure and he experienced a little bit of it during the day with naps, but I don't think he knew what he was in for.
At 11:15pm we heard a screech on the monitor, little rolly polly had rolled over on his belly and couldn't flip back over to go to sleep. Please keep in mind Lawson had just gotten back to sleeping 10 to 11hours at night straight... I went in told him Lawson you need to roll back over, rolled him over and said good night. Only 15 minutes passed and we heard the screech again. Jonah said, "Let him cry for a bit," we did until it got bad then I told Jonah it was his turn. Jonah proceeded into Lawson's room, rolled him over and said good night. So this went on 2 more times with us trading off till Finally Jonah said, " Someones got to get some sleep around here" ! I have no clue what exactly went on in Lawson's room but Jonah returned about 15 minutes later with no noise from Lawson's room and he slept till about 4:30am till he got hungry.
Today has been a task of trying to get him to nap because all he wants to do is roll in his crib.. Of course not back to his back to sleep. As I type I am listening to his "witch" cry hoping he will realize he can flip himself back over on his back to sleep.. or hey maybe he will learn to sleep on his belly.
Well I guess I better go take care of my Rolly Polly!!
As I went in to check on him later I found him like this