Friday, July 22, 2011

Lawsons First Beach Trip

Our good friends, The Talents, asked us to go to the beach with them this year. Beth and Travis have a 14 month old, Carter, and a three year old, Chase.

We rented a condo in Ocean Isle, NC and it was a blast.. Here are tons of pictures from the vacation.  Enjoy there are a lot to look at!!
Sand is good to eat!

Well maybe it doesn't taste that good

Lawson and Jonah went fishing one morning.

Lawson feel asleep nursing.. he was exhausted from the beach so I took a nap too

Lawson trying to play with carter

Chase and Carter loved trying to play with Lawson while he was in his jumperoo

I like the beach

Beth told me carter hated her jumperoo just like Lawson's... she seemed very interested in it while Lawson was in it

Jonah and Carter reading a book

Chase telling Lawson something

Beth and her little girl Carter

Hurry Chase RUN!!!

Carter and I walking to the beach..

Carter fell asleep eating LOL

Beth and Chase

Carter, Chase and Lawson.. Best Buddies

So chase has a Nerf dart gun.. No we didn't shoot it at Lawson but thought it would be funny to stick a dart on him


Birthday Cake number 1 on my BDAY

Jonah and I out to eat for my birthday

Wow im 31

Ready for Birthday Cake # 2 since all the kids were asleep after melting down at the restaurant

Don't catch me on fire Mr. Fire captain

For those who will ask we did not spike his hair or Mohawk it.. the beach wind was really bad when we took our pictures.. the wind mohawked it

Walking picture failure!!

The Talents, Carter, Beth, Travis and Chase