Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Mini Road Trip

So some may think we are crazy but yesterday we successfully attempted a mini road trip to Columbia, SC for me to have my hair done. Yes I am still driving about an hour and 20 minutes to have my hair done, but Laura does a great job and has become a good friend to me.

The day started out with a sleepless night for me so I napped in between feedings until it was time for me to shower and get dressed. Life with a new born is quite complicated while breast feeding. You have to time everything out. OK we need to get to Columbia about 45 minutes to a hour early so I can hide in the car and nurse Lawson so hes not screaming bloody murder from starvation while Jonah takes him since it takes about 2 hours for my hair to be done. We arrived in Columbia at the back of the Salon parking lot around 3:25pm. My appointment was at 4:15. I was like OK here goes nothing. Since I'm having challenges feeding him anyway, feeding in the back of the Highlander trying to cover myself up was anything but challenging. Oh did I fail to mention that Lawson now has decided he doesn't want to stay awake for feedings. Sounds wonderful right? well not so much when you want to make sure hes eating enough and frequent enough. Eventually after several failed attempts of him falling asleep on me instead of eating  I said ENOUGH!!! 

So I went in to get my hair done and Jonah was off to visit some friends with Lawson. He of course slept the whole time. I was one worried mom while getting my hair done. Jonah was making a sacrifice of extra sleep and part of his day to take the trip with us and take care of Lawson while I couldn't and the last thing I wanted was to give him a starving fussy child while I was pampered. I texted Jonah often to see how things were going and of course got no response. OH well that's Jonah :)

Eventually right before Laura was done Jonah and sleeping Lawson showed up. Thank goodness he had slept the whole time and wasn't fussy. We thought it would be nice to wake him up from his REM sleep so Laura could see his eyes and his facial expressions. Well once we woke him up he realized he was starving. Go figure! So we headed to meet up with Cara and Bryan and to use their house as a feeding station.
Thanks Duggans :)

Cara seemed in Awe of the little guy and surprising Bryan didn't vomit when Jonah had to change Lawson's utterly disgusting diaper. If you know Bryan this is a huge accomplishment. So after I fed Lawson we ate dinner and headed back home. Lawson slept the whole way home in his car seat and overall it was a good trip.

Now if I can only get the nursing down to a science we can take other mini road trips with out Jonah in tow.

Here are a few pictures from the trip.

Life with a New Born

How can you have the best day of your life and the worst all at the same time? Have a baby! I have been spit up on, puked on, peed on, and pooped on. And then he smiles for the first time and looks up at me with his beautiful blue eyes. For a split second. And it's the best moment of my life.

I've pretty much accepted two facts of my life: I am forever to be covered in dog hair and now- breast milk. Sexy huh?! For all those who don't know, because I'll be honest, I didn't- Nursing a newborn takes up 24 hours of every day for the first weeks. I literally nurse every 2-4 hours and at this point he nurses sometimes for almost an hour. By the time he's done I have maybe an hour and half before he wants more. And breastfeeding is not easy. Sure it's natural. But not easy. Babies have to learn to latch on, and you have to teach them. Oh and you need like 5 hands... one to hold the baby at the right level, one to keeps his hands down from slapping you in the boob, one to get him to open wide, and one to latch him on.. is that 5 I lost count.. sometimes it seems like I need 8. And then after all is said and done, and about 3 trips to the lactation specialist to see why I'm in so much pain we find out I have an infection. Geez, can I win at this or what? The lactation consultant said the first 3-4 weeks are the hardest and then it all gets easier. It better get easier or I'm going to need therapy. I have learned that though no one really talks about these issues they are common and most breast feeding moms have to get through them. Its still hard but gives me some comfort that I am not alone.

Then we have the sleep issue- some nights we get two stretches of 4 hours without a feeding in between. Not that this is recommended but if Lawson doesn't wake up to eat and were exhausted we all sleep, then try to make up for his feedings during the day. Some feedings, he stays up for two or three hours crying and squirming around. And if you didn't know- babies go through a growth spurt around weeks 2 and 3. UMM Lawson decided he was never full and wanted to eat for basically an hour take a break for an hour and nurse again. Of course all this requires me being awake. He cried all freaking day to be fed.  Sounds like we've been having fun huh? Well actually, despite all this stress it has been wonderful cuddling with him and kissing him as he gazes up at me.  But just in case someone ever tells you that birth is the hardest part.. take it from me, it's not! Pushing her out was a task and since he was stuck on my pelvis bone for over 45 minutes I truly thought that would be the worst part, but the past two weeks of sleep deprivation and constant nursing has been much harder! Here's hoping we get on some kind of schedule and get more sleep in the coming weeks.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quick update

Hello All
Sorry I have been slack on the blog. As most of you know Lawson Grant Vernon Smith arrived February 9, 2011 at 6:47pm. he weighted 7lbs 0 oz and was 20 inches long. We have been busy trying to adjust with having a newborn. The whole sleep thing was going well until recently and well the breast feeding thing well just say we are going back to the lactation consultant tomorrow. Though I was given an A+ my last visit I am still having pain making it almost unbearable to nurse Lawson. Here are some pictures of the little one. I will attempt to update this more frequently once we get adjusted. 

 Jonah holding Lawson the day we came home from the hospital
 We are ready to go home... so we think :)
 He likes his car seat and goes right to sleep when riding in the car
 I love my little lamb swing Great Aunt Kay gave me

You can see from the pictures how he has already changed in the past 12 days. Kind of scary for a new mom.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Lawson is being evicted!!

Yes you read that correctly! I had a doctors appointment on Friday and well Dr. Palermo was still shocked that Lawson had not made his appearance. Without even asking or questioning she said, " well you know I am on call Wednesday and since you are as far along as you are I think its best if we induce you if he is not here by Wednesday". 

Jonah replied, " I think you just made her day and she will probably buy your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a gift with that proposition". 
She laughed and said, " I guess that is a yes", and explained how everything would work. She stated it wouldn't take much to push me into labor and everything would progress well. I never thought I would want to be induced but at this point with her thinking its the best option I'm going for it.  So the induction is scheduled for Wednesday, February 9th. That is if Lawson doesn't decide to come on his own before then. Most of my friends who have gone this route say the little one shows up on its own a day or two before your date of induction, but we will see. 

So, what does the name Lawson mean? 

The name Lawson is pronounced as law-sun.
Lawson originates from the English language. (perfect with the English smith heritage)
Based on research, most people would imagine a person with the name Lawson to be: Talented, social and proper and has strong character

In one word, you might describe Lawson as a "talented" person.

The names of some famous persons by the name Lawson (or its variants) are:

Lawson Vaughn, born on 11 April, a famous soccer player. Lawson Vaughn's background: American soccer player, who currently plays defender for C.D. Chivas USA of Major League Soccer.

Lawson Reed Wulsin, born on 17 June, a famous psychiatrist. Lawson Reed Wulsin's background: A professor of psychiatry and family medicine at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. Wulsin specializes in psychosomatic medicine and is the training director for the Family Medicine Psychiatry Residency Program

Lawson Little, born on 23 June, a famous golfer. Lawson Little's background: American golfer. He was one of the most dominant amateur players in the history of the sport, winning both the British Amateur Championship and the United States Amateur Championship, then regarded as major championships, in both 1934 and 1935. He was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1980.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Come on week 40!!!


 So after week 35.5 and labor progression had already started.. who would have thought I would finish week 39 and start week 40? Not me, not the doctor... hmm maybe Jonah ?

I am sure you all are getting tired of the self shots in the mirror but while Jonah is working its really the only way I can document this huge baby belly growing. Here's today's self shot in the bathroom mirror.. Sorry for the dust :)

Hey at least by now I have somewhat figured out if I hold the camera up I don't get as much as a flash reflection. I have checked all the settings on the camera to try to turn off the flash and umm well as you can tell I cant find it :)
This past weekend it was 70 degrees. Yes 70 degrees so Jonah and I headed out on Sunday to walk the Greenway. Jonah of course was opposed to this a bit because he thought I would walk myself into labor and he would have no way of getting me to the car. Well hey my plan was to walk myself into labor but of course I would figure out some way to get to the car. We walked I believe 4-5 miles and of course no pains, no contractions, NOTHING! 
Goodness Mr. Stubborn Lawson you really are making your mommy mad, but its OK I love you anyway. 

Tomorrow I have my doctors appointment. Everyone keeps asking me will your doctor induce you... how much longer do you have to wait. Well to be honest we never thought induction would be an issue so we haven't even talked to her about it. I'm to the point of being miserable and feeling like I am going to explode or Lawson is about to fall out of me at any second. So tomorrow that question will arise at the doctors appointment. Of course I am hoping she will say, "why of course, if Lawson isn't here by Monday we will induce you then", but I have a feeling she will say, " we don't induce anyone till they are a week overdue". NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will keep everyone updated and hopefully make a post tomorrow with some progression. Please keep your fingers and toes crossed for us. I cant wait to hold little Lawson in my arms and play with his little tiny toes and fingers :)

Sorry  had to add one thing. Miriam has a friend who is due the same day I am and well I was looking at her blog today and she had a comment that I had to post on mine because I feel the exact same way!!! Thanks Blair even though you have no clue who I am.

"Are we there yeeeeet???" NO! WE ARE NOT THERE YET! Stop asking, or I'm going to pull the car over and slap you! No- really! A baby has not emerged from my lady parts, as far as I can tell and the now daily questions from everyone are driving me mad! Although I have enjoyed catching up on the phone this week with just about everyone I know. But now I'm starting to feel the pressure :( People want to see this baby! And I want to see her too damnit!"