Monday, June 13, 2011

Once Upon a Lap

Lawson loves books. We read to him every night before bedtime and I often find myself reading to a smiling giggling little boy through out the day. Through  my Mommy Meet Up group I found out that the Local Library offers Once Upon a Lap. 
A book time for infants 12 months and younger. I thought hey this would be a good way for Lawson to at least see other infants and for me to meet some more moms so we signed up.

Today was our first visit and Lawson was dressed in his Surf Dude outfit!

Though I don't have any pictures from the Once Upon a Lap time.. hey how am I supposed to hold Lawson, sing the songs, and pay attention to the books while taking photos.
I may be a super mom to some but I don't have 8 arms.. Wow 8 arms would come in handy often! 

Lawson LOVED Once Upon a Lap. He watched all the other infants, laughed and reached out to some, and was fascinated by the librarian. 
He LOVES books!!

So once we got home after a nap Jonah decided Lawson should do some tummy time on the Living Room couch and my silk throw pillows.. Leave it to Jonah to do tummy time on silk pillows. 
Guess its not as bad as Penelope squashing them and laying on them for a nap as she does daily. Anyways, here are some shots from his tummy time :)

After Tummy time Lawson decided to show off his skills with some assisted standing. He LOVES to stand up and makes a "look at me" face each time. He seems so proud of himself!!

That is it for today! Tomorrow is Lawson's 4 month check up and shots. Ill post more on his check up and stats tomorrow. Wish us luck since we almost ended up in the ER after the 2 month shots with a reaction !!

Later DUDE!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying that things go well tomorrow!!!! So glad that you found a great mommy group and heard about the library thing. Sounds like so much fun!
