Friday, June 24, 2011

Sleep!! Yes again SLEEP!!

The picture above tells a thousand words for those with Infants! 
Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles.[1] It is distinguished from quiet wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, and is more easily reversible than being in hibernation or a coma. Sleep is also a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. 
 Lawson USED TO sleep anywhere.. We often found him dozing off in the swing, falling asleep while eating, even falling asleep on our shoulder. 
When Jonah was in USAR and HAZMAT class Lawson and I had gotten on a pretty good schedule of waking around 8:30 am, him staying up 2 hours napping 2 hours and the routine repeated until it was cluster feeding time and then bedtime.
Since our trip to see Grandmother Bernice Lawson does not want to nap.. 
Today up until 4pm he had a total of 15 minutes of nap time!! Yep 15 minutes..After further research I have learned a 4-6 month old should be getting 14-17.5 hours of sleep.. Yeah today were running on maybe 10hrs from last night!!!.  As notated above in the definition of sleep, it is very important for us to sleep and even more important for infants. As Jonah tells Lawson almost daily, "Lawson if you don't nap you will never grow, how would you like to be a teenager the size of a 4 month old?"
Since Lawson was not napping, even though he was constantly yawning and rubbing his eyes, I decided to keep our weekly routine of a mommy meet up at Dean and Dullca.  I love meeting with the other moms and seeing the development of their babies as well as the interaction of Lawson with the other infants.  The discussion today to my surprise was, " My child wont nap". YES  It seems that the babies of the mommy meet up group must have a conspiracy against sleep because I am not alone. It seems that all the babies there had not wanted to nap for the past several days.   I hope these babies decide to nap soon or they wont develop and well be tiny teenagers soon!! LOL!

I love our mommy meet ups, it truly helps me realize that I am not alone on this whole baby not napping issue and gives me a sigh of relief!! I am not a clueless or bad mom, I am just a mom trying to figure out her child like every other mother out there.
Till Tomorrow, lets hope Lawson gets some sleep tonight or its going to be a long weekend at the Smith household !

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